My name is James, am 38 years old. I work at Kisumu town, Nyanza province in Kenya East Africa. Ever since I started working my biggest dream was development, the desire to build a permanent house for my parents and give my wife and my children a better life, made me focus more on my job than my family and sometimes this makes me regret.
I worked in Kisumu while my wife, my two daughters and my son stayed in the village. Time to time I could travel on Fridays to see them and travel back to work on Sunday night. I did this for quite some time and my family and I were very happy. My first-born daughter was 10 years, the second daughter was 7 and my son was 5 years old. They were both going to school and progressing so well with their studies until 2021 when things turned from grace to grass, from light to darkness.
I was in Kisumu as usual doing my work as a security guard, inspecting people before they enter a super market. on this day I received news that broke my heart and made me loose hope in life. Some five men had broken into my house in the village, rapped my wife and my three children. After the act my wife still had conscious and she managed to scream and this made neighbors to come to her rescue even though it were late. One of the neighbors gave me a phone call and informed me about what she had seen after entering my house. This news affected my life until today.
My three children passed away due to the inhuman act, and my wife was left bleeding on the floor. A side from rapping, they never stole any material but only my loved ones.
That night I left Kisumu and come home and I have never gone back to work a gain. I reported the matter to the police who promised to do the investigation because my wife never recognized any of them, they had
won mask in their faces.
As I narrate this, my mind has never been the same, am currently on daily medication due to my ulcers and hypertension that developed due to the incident. I now focus on farming on my small piece of land that keeps my wife and I alive.
I have shared this with most of my friends hopping one of them can help me get justice but I have never succeeded. Thanks to Annette Nawls, Adrian Nawls with world revival ministry, words of encouragement gave me hope and I believe that apart from getting justice God will bless us with more children.
Thank you for giving this chance to share.